A lover of design & design education from both sides of the desk, her Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Communications as well as her Masters of Art Education and Bachelors of Geography with a Studio Art emphasis has led her to her work and research into the intersections of design and traditional hand-produced craft methodologies.


From the digital to the hand-made, a selection of my more recent works.


teaching philosophy

Design is a lifelong commitment to learning. As an educator, my goal is to use different pedagogies to teach students that process of thinking and making, giving every student the methodologies to solve problems creatively. The process is as (if not more) important then the product.

By creating a space for the students to explore solutions and establishing a dialogue between the student and peers, the instructor and the greater design community have become the first step in realizing my ambitions in educating designers. In doing so, I am allowing the students to find the structure they need to succeed, but allowing them the flexibility of thought to go beyond the obvious.


Musings on everything from design to craft.


Pushing the Limits: Ceramic Arts Biennial

curriculum vitae


Ian Lunn Sequence.js